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Python Archives - Microbit learningThis is a fairly simple dice throwing game for the micro:bit, in this example you shake the micro:bit and a dice image will be displayed on the LEDs
Hardware Archives - Microbit learningThe big and exciting news in the Micro:bit world is that a new and improved version will soon be available to buy for the same low price as the v1.
Block Editor Archives - Microbit learningIn this example we decided to play about with a Neopixel ring again but this time all of the examples are created using the Microsoft Make:code editor
JavaScript Archives - Microbit learningIn this article we look at the scroll:bit, this is an add on from Pimoroni which contains a lot of LEDs, in fact there are 119 in total in a 17 x 7 matrix its controlled by a IS31FL3731 LED matrix driver chip. This is
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iPhone 5 - WikipediaThere are three microphones (placed on the front, side and back) for noise cancellation and video calls. 69
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